
Rebel Meet Discipline

Last night the moon and stars welcomed me as I put steps on the pavement. As I swung my hand weights in motion, my spirit was boiling….not stirring. I was angry! Second night in a row to be filled with an emotional rebellious attitude, along with the usual hip and back pain. Rebel meet discipline as my feet hit the road. I fought the voices in my head making the excuses….”it’s late, you’re tired, someone will see you, your hips hurt already, this little walk won’t help anything, how could you get this out of shape and overweight….you’re worthless”.

We do not fight ourselves. We are not our worst enemy. There are powers of darkness that wage against the light that live within. I believe this. Satan truly wants to destroy me and he will do it anyway he can. If I let him. That voice I hear saying “go ahead eat that, it won’t hurt” or “you deserve that whole bag of chips, you’ve had a stressful day” or when my heart is hurt after someone’s words crush my emotions I hear “you need a coke and Cheetos”.

Whatever the talk is we hear in our heads, it’s not us………..it’s Satan the master of lies. At that very moment there is a spiritual battle going on over you!

During my walk about halfway through, I talked to God. He listened. I felt his presence. My rebel heart softened, so that I could hear Gods voice, and not the lies that Satan chants in destruction.

Join me as we leave behind all rebelliousness and listen to the life giving words of God, as he walks along side us in our struggle to be disciplined.

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