
_ _ _ _ _ _ Happens


The early morning brings a heavy dew

as the sun begins to shine

My heart looks up and sings a tune

my soul I know is thine.

Change…..happens. Control is optional.

Turning 50 this year brought about several bodily changes, that honestly seemed to appear overnight. One evening I looked in the mirror and thought “who is that wrinkly woman”. I can’t control the changes of aging. I can fret over them, spend a lot of money on anti-aging products hoping for a magical outcome. I can control how I react to the whole ordeal.

My couch potato and spuds, may never move from their spot in front of the TV. I can’t control them. I can control ….my tongue, my thoughts and my emotions. I can change my usual action of starting world war three in the middle of the living room, blocking the view with my hands on my hips. Instead I can seize the opportunity to get outside for a quick stroll around the block, or slip off to a corner of the house and read or Pinterest, or phone a friend and go have a coke. These changes that I make, will give me the refreshment I need to accept their choices to sit, and give me energy to accomplish chores. I can change how we develop a chore chart, or reward good behavior, or discipline….I can set boundaries when I’m not emotional.

This prayer adopted by Army soldiers, written by   Reinhold Niebur is really fitting to all people, and I repeat it often as it does make sense to me;

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference

Change does happen……….let it happen to you!


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