

As the morning begins to appear, it finds me resting in a lounge chair coffee in hand. The cloudy sky remains a soft calming blue, until the sun kisses their heads with pinks and faded orange. In the distance a tweet is singing good morning, and here and there a harsh how’dy’do from a family dog left outside all night. It is now that I commit my day and my ways unto the God of the universe as I sit’n’sip. I also snap a pic or two, as each sunrise is never the same. Funny, but now that I mention it my hope is that each day I will never be the same. I pray that every day I become closer and closer on my journey to becoming “stirred, not shaken.” Yesterday, I got a step closer.

Hubs had just landed safely, I picked him up from the airport and we were headed to eat, all was right in my world. As we walked into a place my FB messenger made a ding. Naturally, I took my phone out and looked. My facial reaction caught Hubs attention. I received a harsh, hateful, rant from a female I didn’t know, nor had ever met. Her shocking, and potential UFC match of a message, was in response to an earlier comment and question I had posted on her daughter’s FB page. Social media and texting communicating is at most risky and unhealthy….but in this case it was a blessing. I had the time and distance to eat (my sugar was low, I hadn’t eatin in 6 hrs) pray, think, converse with Hubs and then respond. However, he said “don’t respond” but I knew I had to give this gal some… love. When I explained why I needed to respond, he was reluctantly shaking his head.

I put myself in her shoes. It wasn’t hard, I’ve been there. I bet you’ve been there. I pray that I am far enough into my “stirred not shaken” journey that I never relapse, but I am not perfect until Jesus returns…just puttin that out there. I had a few ripe responses in mind for this gal but as I messaged her back, I wanted her to feel loved. I wanted to “react with tact.” I wanted to apologize even though if your into keepin right from wrongs I didn’t owe her one. After I prayed again, I sent the right response, Hubs said it wouldn’t end well, and I’d be messaging all day. We got in the car and headed on our way. About 20 mins later I got another ding. Her response was softer, she had cooled down…maybe her sugar was low and she ate, but more likely the Lord played a hand in answering my heartfelt prayer and all was well.

When we live each day longing to be different, praying, studying and putting into practice what God teaches us then we will be different. Yes there will be slip’ups but they will be fewer and far between.

Won’t you join me on this journey……..

“Thank you Jesus, for allowing me to respond to hate and anger with love….not my love but yours. You let me see that I once behaved that way. I ask that this too be the prayer on all my girl’s hearts that they would long to be different and that you bless them with abundant victory! In Jesus name Amen.”





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