
Wake Up, Ready to Fight!

Getting dressed in the dark, can be a fun challenge. Unless of course it’s first thing in the morning before the sun comes up and then for me it’s not a good time to be challenged. Don’t mess with me before I’ve had my hot cup of coffee or tea! However, on the days I whisper Gods name or even a prayer right before my head lifts up from the pillow, then I wake up a warrior! The devil can….bring it on!

But honestly, it takes more than getting outta bed to be ready to fight the scheme’s of the devil. A hot cup of something yummy, can’t even come close to preparing us for the destruction and deception that will be thrown at us. However, it will get us perked up!

Yesterday the rain was invading our Sunday. As we pulled into the church parking lot, I saw some fella’s with umbrella’s at the door. (aww that rhymes)
Well, normally Hubs would make me hoof it with him from the parking lot, but this morning he was steering towards the front door. (shhh he can be sweet). I was concerned for him getting wet, so I mentioned the umbrella in our car for his use. He then muscled up his arms, beat his chest and said “I’M A WARRIOR, AND WARRIOR’s DON’T NEED UMBRELLA’s.” He truly, was adorable when he said that….and yet I know and see the truth in what he’s saying. As a police officer, and an Sr Msgt he, has to be ready, no matter what the distraction’s …to fight the enemy.

This morning as I read Ephesians 6:12-18 I am reminded again of the truth concerning our fight against darkness here on earth. The devil is real, his schemes at times hit us like a sucker punch, and other times steady and drenching like a pouring rain. We need to be prayed up, read up and wearing the full armor of God…coffee and umbrella’s are nice, but not needed!

Join me…. as we prepare to fight!

“Father, we thank you for your son Jesus who won the battle! We thank you for your guidance, strength and protection against the devil’s attack’s! Open our eyes to his schemes. Teach us your ways Lord so that we can fight, and stand firm. In Jesus precious name Amen.”

PS. I wanted to use a picture of my girl Rhonda Rousy the UFC champ with the quote added to it, but felt I might get sued….so the quote on a concrete background is what we get!! stand firm and fight!!


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