
Doin’ the Wobble

We are fast approaching our G’babys birthday, and she has put in the request to have a skating party. This brings excitement to my young heart/soul but terror to my old body. I fondly remember the old playschool toy slogan “weebles wobble but they don’t fall down” they didn’t have legs, but were round at the bottom so they wobbled but never fell over. In my quirky lil’ mind as encouragement for my skating experience I am thinking… Hey, I’m pretty round bottomed so maybe there’s hope for me not to fall!? However, the reality is at some point I’ll look like a weeble as I wobble about trying not to fall….except the toy doesn’t have arms…but my arms will be wildly, waving about trying to keep my balance!! And there’s always the wall around the skating floor that I can crash into if I can’t stop. I won’t be standing firm in skates for sure, until I reach out and step onto the carpet area or grab the hand of someone grounded.

The skating experience will be fun but, challenging for sure. Just like life. Life is full of fun stuff and tough stuff and sometimes it’s hard to stand firm through the tough stuff. As if you didn’t have enough to envision with me weeble wobbling on the skating floor….here’s one more…..a cow in skates trying to get through a grassy field!

Either way, I’ve felt like both at times, trying to stand firm on my feet while managing life’s challenges like debt, relationship hurts, loss of a job, struggling to loose weight, grief, controlling my anger and standing firm on my faith. When I feel wobbly, I look around me for those standing firm and throw out my hand.

How’s your stance this morning? Are you wobbling, waving about trying to keep your balance? Have you fallen?

I hope you’ll join me…and reach out! All around you God has placed his faithful, those who are grounded and willing to give you a steady hand. He gives us his word to lean upon, and Paul especially writes to the churches throughout the new testament how important it is to stand together, uplifting and strengthening each other.


“Lord, thank you for those around me, willing and able to hold me accountable and stable me when I’m wobbling, pull me out when I’m sinking, and pick me up when I’ve fallen. When those around me are few, thank you for you word, that I can pick up and read at any time which does the same thing. You Lord, are our steady rock, our salvation and strength….our balance. In Jesus name Amen.”





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