
A Bad Mood, Sugar and Trees!

Without reason my mood is low. I’m in a funk. Driving my car I make the conscious effort to tune the radio in on inspirational music. I begin to get my worship on, slightly forced at first but determined not to let the devil steal my joy! I have eternal life in heaven, I’m a daughter of the King, what more could a girl ask for?!

Is my mood really low for no reason? After all I do have family members going through rough times, friends also struggling, and the world seems to be going, uh you know where fast! I have had way too much daily caffeine and sugar for weeks now, and not enough water, little exercise and no quality time alone with my man, just time fussin at each other. And then, there are my neighbor’s trees!

As I pull into our driveway it is covered in purple and brown tiny tree particles in the consistency of cuscus, when our car is left in the driveway it too is covered. Our grass, landscaping, sidewalks and front porch are covered with this yuck along with leaves galore! Roots from the trees are beginning to almost touch our foundation. I quickly go from mourning mood, to worship mood, to murder mood almost instantly! Walking quickly without trying to look I beeline into the house. In the kitchen I start to make some breakfast. Our kitchen windows face all the trees and as I fill a glass with water I look up and out and notice the bark on one of the trees as being loose, as if someone had tried to skin it but left it all hanging, then I spy (with my little eye) a huge beautiful woodpecker in that tree. Aww, it now becomes my favorite tree as my beloved Woodrow is enjoying poking holes in it! My mood softens, I thank God for making trees, for reminding me of their importance and for getting me to look out the window at his glory and wonders!

Roger Harris red headed woodpecker 2016magnificent photo by Roger Harris (view more of his photos on FB at Southeast Indiana Photography)


I now feel slightly guilty for ever being in a funk. My friends and loved ones are in the hands of the Lord as I daily lift them there in prayer. I mix my breakfast a protein meal shake and realize that I can’t take on life and all its challenges without taking care of myself. Good care and good moods happen when I drink more plain water and less cream laden coffee. I had myself on a three cups per week plan, but clearly have fallen off that wagon. For a month now every meal has included sugar, salt and grease. And well the next door neighbor’s trees are still hanging over the top of my house, roots and debris everywhere, every season…. but hey, those little tweets gotta have a place to sleep, eat and poke around.

Debbie Massey woodpecker in tree 2016 captivating photo by Debbie Massey Duchene (you can find her on FB under her name)


Join me on the patio….bring your funky self and sit back in a lounge chair, wrap up in a warm blanket, let the sun dance off your face while you sip a hot cup of lemon/honey water….lets chat with Jesus and work on getting in a better mood.
Genesis 1:2 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

God, we thank you for putting reminders all around us of your glory and goodness and please help us keep our eyes open. Give us the wisdom and tools to battle our negative emotions and the courage to persevere and the strength to get ourselves back on the wagon. In Jesus precious name Amen.

Here’s a great tool to gain great insight to sugar and mood swings.. check out! http://www.prevention.com/food/foods-cause-depression

Thank you Debbie and Roger for the wonderful photos!




4 thoughts on “A Bad Mood, Sugar and Trees!

  1. On those days of doubt, God sends me you girls….my sisters in HIM to confirm what he has planned for me to do! I am humbled and grateful to be right where HE wants me! Thank you for being part of his plan by reading and sharing with others these blog devotionals!!

  2. Julie,
    This is one of my faves! Well said my friend!
    I truly enjoy your blog! Your words
    landed in a great place today! Especially today! 🙂
    There had to be a reason why I waited until now to click *open* & read*!
    Keep bloggin’ 🙂
    You have such a gift of expression!

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