
Singing in the Rain

Walking out into the chilly morning takes a little coaxing these days. Patio sitting has become an afternoon treat these crisp fall mornings. A few mornings past the day was looking like it couldn’t make up it’s mind, sunny or rainy. I myself was having the same problem. My disposition over the past few weeks events was nothing less than miserable. I decided to step outside with the weight of my ugly outlook on my back. As I scanned the east my eyes did see the sun working very hard to shine in a sky of discouragement. I lifted my morning prayers up about the time I felt a few rain drops hit my face. Slowly, I turned to go back into the house, when my eyes caught the most perfect rainbow in the dreary western sky. I could see the whole thing, from right to left, it was absolutely perfect!
As I praised God for being with me, and showing me his love in such a grand way, my ugly outlook gave way to tears of gratitude and my heart was singing in the rain. After a few minutes and a few more raindrops I walked back inside with a much lighter attitude, and the strength to face my day.
When your disposition is dreary, your outlook ugly, look for God he is there waiting to lift you up, carry your load and he’ll have you singing in no time.

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