

These chilly days, have brought about cabin fever in some folks. I admit patio sitting isn’t as appealing or possible of late. I have resorted to watching the tweets from inside the windows of my warm home. I should say my somewhat warm home. I like to keep the thermostat on low during the winter months, and wear slippers, layers of soft shirts and sweatshirts, sweatpants and yes even long johns. I like to sit on the couch wrapped in a warm blankie and snuggle with my Gbaby or Hubs. Hubs on the other hand likes to tell us, we can’t turn the heat on til the first ice or snow, so to save money. The other day he sat on the couch alone and watched tv in his coat. I guess that’s his definition of snuggling.

This month is the month of love………

I can’t help but reflect on how each spouse has a different definition of love. So for the next few postings, I’ll be touching on what we think love is.

Today, I share “snuggling”, to me this is something I think love is; is lovely; goes hand in hand w/love; and something I love to do. Hubs thinks snuggling is for people who are chilly, when all you gotta do is just put on a coat.

I’m looking forward to your comments on this, so take a few minutes to leave some.

What’s you and your spouses differences on love?



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