


When Hubs and I got married, I had the word obey taken out of our vows. See my definition of obey and his were a little different. Obey to me, was based off my past experience with a failed marriage and dating relationships gone sour, along with the rebel attitude that I wasn’t taking orders from anybody. Oh my, it’s true.

Hubs definition of obey meant that he would have a peaceful life with a passive wife.

I look at it now, and wish I had left obey in the vows. (Hubs says forget it, we aren’t getting married again). But my definition of obey has changed and I have matured, and healed from past hurts. I’m still learning to trust. God and I are most definitely closer. It involves much more than just complying, it really defines love. It means I think enough of myself and my mate to treasure us both. It means that I treasure God and his word enough to follow His instruction. I see now the rich rewarding benefits of obedience not just in my relationships, but in the way I obediently follow a healthier eating plan and other personal goals. I would have to say, life is more peaceful and I am a healthy passive wife.

Here Hubs thought it was because I was a democrat and he a republican that his life was less peaceful! Ha!


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