
Don’t Tell Anybody

My laying and rising both consisted of a sincere conversation with God about a very sick little boy.
If my sweet sister friend hadn’t text me, I wouldn’t have known this little one was in trouble.

Sharing prayer requests is sweet sister friends do, and most of the time that prayer request can be shared with others.
There has been a time or two where my friend talks to me in confidence and asks me not to tell anyone else. Because I want her to trust me, rely on me and love me, I do as she asks.
Not all friendships go this way. I have had a friend or two along the years that repeated something I spoke in confidence and vice versa.

Having someone to confide in is very important. Talking to the Lord about my confidential issues is a no fail way to keep things from being repeated. I can always trust him. Still I need to be able to trust the friendships and companionship of my sisters, husband and family. So I use selective sharing with those whom I love but know they can’t keep things to themselves. I don’t delete them from my friends list, I just don’t tell them everything.

Have you experienced mistrust in a friend or family member? How do you handle them when they repeat something they shouldn’t?

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