


Oh….is that what they call it?!

The Mayo Clinic says it all so well;
{It’s estimated that as many as 3 of every 4 menstruating women have experienced some form of premenstrual syndrome.

Symptoms tend to recur in a predictable pattern. But the physical and emotional changes you experience with premenstrual syndrome may vary from just slightly noticeable all the way to intense.

Still, you don’t have to let these problems control your life. Treatments and lifestyle adjustments can help you reduce or manage the signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome}

When I was a teen I remember standing bewildered in the pharmacy isle of our local variety store. I was looking for a miracle drug, to make me feel better during those visits from “Aunt Flow and or my Red Headed Cousin from Alabama.”  I had read in Seventeen magazine that Midol was the way to go! At this time there was little help on the subject of P.M.S when you visited the doctor. Our male Doc just didn’t get it, said it was all in a woman’s mind and loosing weight was the key. Well that was the problem….I had just lost almost 50 lbs over the course of 2 years and these mood swings were vicious. At that time he did no metabolic testing or even mention anything internal that could be off kilter.

When I was thirty I remember sitting around the kitchen table sharing a meal with two of our summer youth ministry intern’s. They were young college fella’s and were lively and fun. Our son was nine and our daughter 3 and meal time with them was always …entertaining. As we chatted and chewed the kitchen was nosey. When the mention of the chocolate pie for desert came up, our son blurted out “Mom, needs chocolate for her P.M.S”! Then you could of heard a pin drop. With shock I looked immediately at our guest’s, and they politely put their heads down and kept busy eating. Until hysteria took over one of them and he couldn’t contain his laughter, while Hubs and I quickly joined in. Of course this tickled the kids and they snorted with glee. Over the course of these young men’s stay at our church, they shared many meals in our home and took a lot of teasing over my son’s little articulation.

Now that I am post menopausal, and on this journey of being “stirred not shaken” I can carry a gun!

Finally, the Doc’s have recognized that inside a woman are several hormones that really need to be BALANCED in order to protect the rest of the world. The only time I leave the sidearm tucked away at home is when I’ve been off my balancing miracle supplements a few days!! Along with those supplements, I add a healthy dose of God’s word, prayer and praise. I’m not ruling out the earlier Doc’s advice on weight and exercise as these have become just as important in the stirred not shaken journey!

Have you or are you struggling with the ups and downs in your mood? Does your family notice?

Join me today, as we talk to our doctor, do some research and…. make it a priority to take better care of ourselves.

Lord, you knitted us together in our mothers womb, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you for showing us all sorts of ways to bring health and balance to our lives and bodies. Give us wisdom to know what ways are best. In Jesus name Amen.


Here is my preference now to what P.M.S stands for;
Peaceful, Modest, Spiritual rather than Perturbed, Messed-up, Steamed

Oh and…….men get P.M.S too!!








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