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When you’re married to a police officer who also happens to be in the military chances are they aren’t very easy when they tell you what to do. Mix that with a “sassy” wife who doesn’t accept authority very well and you rarely get a happy, peaceful, loving response to being told what to do.

I’d love to write that I never once in our married life let the sun go down on my anger or my hurt….but I cannot. I’d also like to write that never once did Hubs tell me what do without an attitude or the force of his authority…but if I did, that would be a lie. And I’d love to write that I’ve never been a blamer….but if that were true than I’d have little to write about.

Truth is hurt and anger are real emotions that, when left to manage themselves can produce attitude. They can come out in ugly words and ugly actions by just about everyone…the giver and the receiver.

The first time I heard my sweet southern sister in- law tell my little daughter that she was just bein ugly, I did a turn your head double take and said “say what!?” I had never heard this term before and… nobody tells my kid what to do…after all, I ain’t sweet and I ain’t southern. When the shock wore off I drew my attention to what had happened. My sister in-law had told my child to do something and my child gave her some “sass”. At the root of her ugly words came an attitude like her momma’s …..a problem with accepting authority.

Nobody likes being told what to do, but sometimes it’s needed. Nobody likes being told what to do from a person with attitude, but that happens. Of course delivery is important but not a place to lay blame regarding our ugly reaction…we need to own it. (We could lay blame on the devil, because he obviously hates authority too and he made us do it..Right!? )

If you are like me, I bet there has been a time or two in your marriage when your spouse has told you what to do….and your response was sassy like “say what!?” or worse.

Join me as we focus on what WE say and how WE say it! And okay….accepting authority.

“Lord, if I don’t accept your authority I will never do your will and things will not go well for me or my family. Continue to lead and teach me your ways, so that I will not store up hurt and anger. Transform my ugliness into your beauty. In Jesus name Amen.” And P.S. could you do a little work on Hubs too!



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