
A Nightly Hunt

Sitting under a pitch black sky adorned with winking stars. The sound of nearby frogs and cicadas are echoing off the trees sounding very alert as if they plan to be awake all night. The neighbor’s Black Heathen sneaks around in the dark corners of my yard. I hear him as he jumps upon my fence, hoping to devour some tweets nestled down in their bird house for the night. I quickly jump up and clap my hands in warning, but I cannot see into the dark air. I quiet a moment but do not hear him retreat back into his own yard. He is still out there in stealth mode, waiting, watching, knowing that I will cave before he does and go into the house. I wish I could sit out here all night and keep my tweets safe. However, the micro biting wing command are out in full force. If I stay out, by morning I will look like a pin cushion. My heart is heavy for my feathered friends, but my eyelids are heavier at this point. Maybe, I should throw an open can of tuna over the fence? Would he sneer at my diversion tactics, and the thought of getting his snack via make shift grocery store rather than his nightly hunt. At any rate I’m done, headed in doors with a downcast face.

As I pull back the covers I think back to my daily reading in Genesis. Again, I think of Noah and all those animals on the Ark. How did he keep the Black Heathen from devouring the tweets? Was there enough mice for him to hunt on the Ark? I know one thing Noah didn’t open up a can of Starkist!

Genesis 6:21 You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away for you and for the animals.

What tactics do you use to divert the enemy?







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