
I Do Wear Clothes….sometimes

I love cold weather. However, if our daily fluctuating temps keep happening, I will have to knit the tweets some sweaters. Watching them peck at the feeder this morning, made me shiver. They are so tiny, and doesn’t look like they have very many feathers. I love cold weather, so I can layer. It’s the only time this “chubby chic” can stand to wear clothes. The summers here just add to my “hot flashes” and I can’t stand to wear clothes. But, I do wear them. No need in causing a scene, by going nude. I don’t have that many “get out of jail free” cards.

This winter is even more fun for me! I’ve shed 30lbs, and now what once was tight, allows for layering. Layering has always been the “in” look.
But, I am sitting here this morning, wondering if I can keep up the weight loss. I’ve reached a comfortable place. I’ve cheated a lot over the Holidays. And yet I desire to be …..more comfortable. Will that desire, dissolve?

My mornings start out great. 2 eggs scrambled w/veggies and one slice of 12 grain toast. Now I do sip that vanilla goodness, with moderation….one cup a day, and it’s diluted. By noon I have already encountered issues, situations, decisions, irritations….which all can dilute my intentions/goals for the day…..these things will start to “dissolve my resolve” if I don’t start that resolve on a stone foundation. I need to behave on what I know, not what I feel.

What I know about issues, situations, decisions, irritations is this……they all will pass. What I know about a solid foundation is… spiritual.
What happens when we “dissolve our resolve” during these times? Our emotions are not stable/solid and we won’t survive….we will barely hang on. We won’t be comfortable.

Is your resolve started on stone, something you know? Or is it started on something you feel?

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