


Ain’t nobody got time for that! In the words of Sweet Brown, I find great inspiration during many situations, but it comes to mind this morning as I write about guilt.

I used to feel guilty. Some that have known me all my life, might say that I still should feel guilty. I have done many things in my past that I am not proud of. These things “sins” had left on my heart a burden of guilt. I don’t carry that burden anymore. If I did it would weigh me down so heavily, that there would be no energy left for moving ahead. I would be stuck, paralyzed by fear and condemnation. I would miss out on God’s forgiveness, If I continued to let that load sink me into unworthiness.

Instead I have chosen to slip that load of guilt off my shoulders and heart. I have chosen to believe what God’s word says, and not what the devil says. Today, even though I strive to do all the right things, I still mess up. I choose to ask forgiveness, give forgiveness and keep moving forward in repentance rather than guilt.

God says in Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Colossians 1:13 says For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

The devil and his darkness wants us to be burdened, heavy, and despair over past sins, so that we will stay there. God doesn’t, so he offers light and salvation and freedom.

This ain’t my Free Pass, I can’t just go about life now doing the things I used to do, this too will weigh me down as it will leave me with guilt instead of true repentance.

Recently a good friend and I were talking about guilt. It was a heavy conversation, as the tears fell, she half chuckled “I can’t help it I was raised Catholic, guilt comes from my Mom”. Without judging or looking down on her upbringing, we could laugh, dry the tears, and begin to drop the guilt. After all “ain’t nobody got time for that”.




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