
Who Needs to Change?

The sun has risen without me. I have yet to step outside. From inside I can look through the window at the morning sky getting lighter and lighter. I have as much control over the sun rising as I do in getting my Hubs to change. I am not God. While I’ve never exhausted myself in trying to get the sun to rise and set at my command, I have worn myself out giving orders to Hubs.

When we realize we are not God, then we are open to change.

Who needs to change? We all do in some small or huge way. Our actions, words, hurts, habits and hang ups effect all of those around us in a small or huge way.

Have you ever repeated yourself five or six times when giving a command to your child or your husband? Have you ever gone ahead and done a task that you asked one of them to do? Or have you every gone behind them when they were done, to do the task “correctly”?

Being in control, is exhausting. Over 45 years; shed tears, anger outbursts, many time’s on a therapists couch, bible studies, self help books, coping drugs, venting to friends, praying, and attending Celebrate Recovery….. I have finally admitted…..I have control issues…..and a few other’s too lol……I need to change, I want to change…………….but how?

Who Needs to Change? Do you?

Join me on the patio Friday morning to find out HOW?

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