
The Things You See, When You look

Last night on the Patio the breeze was amazing! The red umbrella was spinning around somewhat lazily in the breeze, but it was making me nervous. Our backyard takes on a lot of wind so I folded it down.

My ears were tuned to the table conversation but my eyes were on our doves “Dorsey and Dean”. They seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. They each took a quick little dip in the bird bath then playfully followed each other to the top of the wooden swing frame. There they commenced to cuddling. It was the sweetest sight I’ve ever seen. So much a show that the rest of the table guest’s attention were drawn to them.

As the sun went to sleep, it did not go quietly. Burning a deep dark orange, it lit up the sky. Dorsey and Dean had long flown off, no doubt to continue their passion privately.

We said good bye to guests and Hubs retired to the recliner. I returned to the cushioned lounge chair. My mind danced around many thoughts as my eyes said goodnight to the sun.

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