
It’s All About Eye Contact

As a young teenage girl, there wasn’t a whole lot to do in our small town but cruise main street. Back then you would of thought gasoline was almost 4bucks a gallon listening to your parents setting rules on wasting gas. So most of the time we parked the cars, and either sat on them watching the rest of town drive by, or we stood up against a building.

When we cruised, the passenger had the most fun! As a female passenger riding shotgun rolling up to a stop light next to cute guy was the most fun!! I’m not sure who coined the phrase either myself or my best friend but we still giggle about it today, “it’s all about eye contact”. Learning to flirt was part of learning to cruise.

All the potential dangers of flirting and cruising then, are vividly seen now by these older less twinkling brown eyes.

We are reminded in Matthew 6:22 the eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.

When our hearts are full of God and his love, his light will shine in us and out of us.

Join me today and let HIS light shine!!

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