
Why Would You Say That!?

Reflecting today, on something a lady shared with me the other day. When she was in her teenage years, trying to decide on a career her mother said “don’t be a counselor, there is no money in that kind of work.” This really hit home with me, as I too had heard the same thing from my Mother regarding my passion for Art. After listening to this dear heart, I realized how her mother’s words, were still years later very discouraging to her.

As I reflect inward on this conversation, I remember saying something similar to my own daughter and now ask myself “why would I say that?” Where does a line like this come from? As a mother I always mean well towards my child, but these words are discouraging. For myself, I spoke these words out of fear. I had a fear that my daughter would not be able to earn enough to live on her own and support her lifestyle. Without even realizing it I put fear, doubt and insecurity into my daughters mind. Fortunately for us she expressed back to me, that my words “squashed her dreams” which allowed me the chance to choose the rest of my words more wisely.

Looking inward do you remember a time when you spoke out of negative emotion? Do you still hear words spoken to you that discouraged you or squashed your dreams?

Join me today… as we ask ourselves before we speak “why would I say that?” and begin to choose our words wisely, not speaking from negative emotions.

Join me in prayer…”Lord we admit to our faults, we long to be encouraging to others with wise words not negative emotions. Please give us the courage to speak wisely, and the strength to control our emotions, and the wisdom to know when to speak or to be silent.” In Jesus name Amen.

2 thoughts on “Why Would You Say That!?

  1. Danika, you are a treasure and the apple of Gods eye! Thank you for sharing your heart and joining me on the Patio, as we learn to become “stirred but not shaken”; stirred by the Holy Spirit and not shaken by the hurtful words and actions of others!

  2. My mom has discouraged me in several areas of life. “You’ll never be thin, we’re just not built like that” or something to the same effect regarding a different area of life. I can relate to many of your posts. But this is my favorite.

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