Reactions and Emotions

Don’t Bug Out!

Oh yes Spring is in the air! And the insects are creepy crawling from out of every crook and crevice. Every time those spring rains come down, the ants come in. Usually they go crazy marching about in the kitchen. Lord knows they eat good in there! If they would just carry it all off, I wouldn’t have to clean! But they don’t, all they do is weird me out and stress me out trying to find the right kind of ant trap that will send them to their maker! And seriously, I get all upset for nothing, they mysteriously up and leave after a couple days of torturing me.

I feel the same way about people. Oh not that I want to send them to meet their maker….well maybe. No, I just want them to not weird me out and stress me out with their crazy all over the place behavior. I can get pushed to the edge pretty quickly when I’m with someone who can’t be still. I mean they are moving like they chugged Red Bull and Mt.Dew. Have you ever tried to work on a fundraiser or similar project with someone who can’t finish one thing, before they go bouncing to the next?!!! This is a problem for lil old me who has a plan, a check list, a calendar and a color coded chart all neatly placed in my leather daily planner. How can I keep from reacting to the pinball machine partner I’m working with?!

First, I must hourly, thank God for their energy and their health. Secondly, a hug is out of the question as I might just squeeze too hard, but they need kind re-direction every twenty seconds or so. Lastly, I just keep humming Elton Johns tune “Pinball Wizard” ’til it’s time to go home, which distracts me and tickles me. Most importantly I DON’T BUG OUT! and I pray that God will catch me before I fall off the edge. Don't Bug Out

What keeps you from going over the edge? What makes you BUG OUT?

Join me as we chose to be kind when things and people bug us.

Lord, we will be still and listen to your counsel, bring to our mind ways to keep us from reacting badly when we are bugged. Keep us always thankful in every situation. In Jesus name Amen.

1 thought on “Don’t Bug Out!

  1. I so enjoy your writings ! Look forward to them! Love that daughter and granddaughter of yours! Would love to get to know you better!

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