
Waking this morning, I was almost afraid to look out the window in fear our whole backyard would be washed away or under water. While there are a few puddles, we are fortunate all our blooms and veggies are intact. Stepping into the art room, I open my bible. No coffee this morning, I’m out of vanilla cream! Trying to focus I open Gods guide book. I am ready for some wisdom and comfort. Reflecting on all that people around me are going through, with storm damage, lost lives, and in light of Mother’s Day yesterday, I am thinking of those who mourn for Mother’s who have passed on.

As I sit and look at my open bible, a sweet memory comes to mind of my own Mother who sat almost every morning with her coffee, her bible and a Daily Bread devotional book. Her life held many disappointment’s, heartache’s and setback’s, starting with the loss of her own Mother at the tender age of 9. She was no stranger to loss, experiencing the death of her first child only two days after her birth. Mom’s own health failed at the young age of 42 and again she endured the death of a loved one, this time her husband. While she didn’t always handle things with peace and wisdom, she experienced enough in her life that at times it took the life out of her. She knew that her God was still with her, never leaving her side but her faith at times was weary. My Mother didn’t always handle her situations in a positive way, she wasn’t perfect. But now as an adult I see that she did all she was capable of doing, and she would almost daily turn to Gods word.

Perhaps she knew what I know now, that while people are born, and they die, God never leaves our side. Because of the original sin in the garden, we now have loss and hurt on earth. But because our God still loved Adam and Eve, he never left them and he is still with us today guiding, comforting, teaching and at times holding us up through our storm.

Join me today …..by reading 2 Timothy 2:11-13 We can be reminded that Jesus is faithful, even when we have endured so much that we seem to have no faith.

“God, we look to you for comfort, strength and wisdom. Let our hearts heal and our lips rejoice! May we have the courage to apply what we read in your good book so that our faith will remain. In Jesus name Amen.”

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