
I Don’t Wanna!

Again, another morning where I didn’t want to get out of bed. No sipping from a mug on the patio, conversing with God, enjoying nature and cooler temps. Instead procrastinating rising up, and heading to work. Do you have days like this? While there are numerous reasons why we would long to catch a few more hours of shut eye, there is usually only one for me….I’m exhausted emotionally. I’d love to say I ran a 5k yesterday and today I’m just pooped, but we all know this girl who thinks “pain ain’t gain” and “sweatin makes me grouchy” won’t be out doing those shenanigans!! However, that would be the healthier reason to stay in bed. Instead my emotions are drained from hurdling those “marital moments” and “dodging insults” and “lifting the weight from haters.”

Now that I am out of  bed, I lifted a friend in prayer, caught up on email’s, sipped some hot tea and then….I let you in.

Join me today and remember that not everyone, everyday feels like springing from the covers fresh and new….but when we do the Lord is patiently waiting for us to join him.

“Father, we give you this day, take our feelings, moods, and bodies to restore, refresh and re-purpose us to do your will. In Jesus precious name Amen.”


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