
Voting, Bra’s and Equality

I had no idea, until this morning when I caught an instagram post referring to August 26th as being the 95th anniversary of the woman’s right to vote and our 19th amendment. Granted my muse is younger than I and lives the Hollywood life. She is more passionate about women being treated equal to men, than women’s rights.
As a woman in general, this celebration of being able to vote is huge and I am ashamed that I had forgotten.
Looking up a few articles from yesterday, I caught this one from Kansas according to the Wichita Eagle:

“Gold and purple stars hung from the stage as women in white dresses and hats carried “Women Vote” signs, and speakers called for an impassioned recommitment for all women to get involved in the politics of their daily lives. It was 1920 all over again

Honorary chairwoman of the event was former Sen. Nancy Landon Kassebaum Baker, 83, who before the event said, “It is always important to be reminded of the 19th Amendment. I have always believed it is important to remember the women who were willing to tie themselves to the gate of the White House in efforts to accomplish a constitutional amendment in the right of women to vote. Sometimes we forget history that we need to remember. It takes dedication.”

Kassebaum represented Kansas in the U.S. Senate from 1978 to 1997. She is the daughter of Alf Landon, governor of Kansas from 1933 to 1937 and the 1936 Republican nominee for president.

Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/news/local/article32505441.html#storylink=cpy
Just my thoughts, based on my almost 52 years of life; as women we need to be reminded of the dedication and sacrifices that our past foremothers made to give us right’s.
The rest of my thoughts, based on years of living in a mans world, are these…..right’s and equality are two different things, two different fights……… if you can keep a guys eyes & mind focused on the content of your conversation rather than your breasts than you have won equality in his eyes. If you are in a position of authority to speak and he is required to listen, then you have achieved rights!
The idea of equality between man and woman is still and idea. It is still being fought for by liberated women…women not wearing bras. This will sting, but, equality on earth will never be… as long as there are imperfect men and imperfect women living on it. Earth, a place where life is not fair.
Don’t blame me…but I’ve missed voting a time or two. See, my mother had a philosophy on voting and it may or may not have rubbed off on me. She always said, “she voted for the best looking, smooth talking candidate because you had to look at them and listen to them for four years or more, and besides they were all liars and cheats.” May, I also mention that I appreciate and admire women who educate themselves about politics.
 And don’t hate me, but I’m happy for the right to wear a bra, or to sit’n’sip blogging not wearing one ( I know TMI).  I am perfectly content and grateful with being barefoot and pregnant (not happening at this age). I appreciate the opportunity to manage a home or seek employment outside the home. And I am thankful for my freedom to worship as I choose, and to raise children who will be productive in their faith and in society. I’m fine and dandy with standing behind, and at times beside, while other times in front of, a great man (who struggles with equality) because in Gods eyes, he sees and loves us both the same. So for me, I’m passionate about striving to see through Gods eyes, all men….all women, all colors…. all equal.
How do you see yourself and others? What passions do you have regarding equality, rights and faith?
Join me… in celebrating and remembering with much gratitude the women who fought for our right to vote. Join me… in exercising our freedom’s in positive, moral, and beneficial ways always striving to see ourselves and other’s through Gods eyes.
“Oh Creator, you created us all equal, we are the apple of your eye and you long for our praise and devotion. Help us live lives that will bring you glory. Give us courage and strength to fight, and the wisdom to know what to fight for, always honoring you and your word. In Jesus name Amen.”



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