
A Brute Beast

Hot tea in a golden mug laced with cream and honey, seems to do the trick this morning. As I step out onto the patio, I am just in time to see the glory filled canvas the Lord has painted on the sky. Sipping slowly, I stand in awe and praise as the Holy Spirit stirs within me. Returning inside, I reach for my bible and open to Psalm 73:21-28. These two verses slapped me; 21 “When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, 22 “I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you.” I have to admit I laughed out loud when I read this. Then the sting lingered on my cheek and began to sink in. I could see my old angry, hurt self in these two verses.

You see as I grew up my heart was heavy and my spirit became embittered and I behaved like a brute beast. I didn’t accept wise counsel. It took me a very long time to grow up, but I am growing up. Here’s what I did wrong, I let my flawed, imperfect circumstances, and the hurtful flawed people around me, shake me. Now days, my circumstances are not always perfect and I still encounter people who are flawed and hurting directing their negativity towards me. But, these days I seek those who will pray for me and now I accept their wise counsel. God, his people and his Holy Spirit calm the brute beast in me.

How did your morning start? Did you wake up a beast?!

Join me… as we allow Gods healing word, his Holy Spirit and his wise people calm that bitter beast inside us.

“Father, we desire nothing on this earth, but we look to the heavens longing to one day be home. Keep us from becoming bitter and of heavy heart when the people and circumstances of our lives are hurtful, harmful and deadly. As we accept and believe in you, thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit and for sending wise people to counsel us. In Jesus name amen.”



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