
I Need Longer Sleeves

The morning forecast is keeping me tucked beneath the cozy covers however, I can’t stay there long as I need to drive Hubs to work. My body has been in limbo since we’ve seemed to skip winter, and now spring has almost prematurely sprung. I can’t get excited yet about putting the patio together, or planting any blooms until all the normal expected storms pass. One day we are wearing short sleeve shirts and the next long. Another reason I don’t want to get out of bed this morning is because I need longer sleeves. Hubs has told me for years that I wear my feelings on my sleeves, as much as I deny this it sadly is true. I am an easy target and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why!? Advice over the years and Hubs current advice are the same; don’t let it bother you. I have researched, been counseled and still no total escape for being hurt or angry at the things people say, or do. How do you not let things bother you? I can control my outward reactions much better than in the past and yet the inward result is the same. I guess I just need longer sleeves.

At this Easter season I am reminded of the ridicule that Jesus and his disciples endured during his ministry. How did he continue? How did he outlast and literally rise above!? Surely, at times his feelings were hurt, or he became angry at the actions of others. One thing he did that was intended as an example for us; he prayed. Praying for others, and praying for ourselves is truly the key to endurance!

How bout you….are your sleeves long enough?

Join me today, as we spend some needed time in prayer, preparing us to endure and rise above the insults of others.

Lord, we rejoice in your resurrection! Thank you for also setting the perfect example for us of how to come to you in prayer. Keep us steady through the tough times. In Jesus name Amen.



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