
Marking My Territory

If you’ve been reading these posts for awhile now, you know that a lot of them revolve around my time on the Patio. And I love to relate what’s going on outside in my backyard to what goes on in our lives and yes I admit that sometimes that goal is a stretch but, with me it’s all about sharing real life stuff.
Every spring, I get the fever to upgrade the Patio and the yard area. Now Hubs isn’t so hot on doing any Honey’Do stuff but he usually pitches in after, after he pitches a fit. This year so far he has been a stellar participant with shoveling and hauling dirt (from the enormous mound I had delivered and dumped in our driveway) to the backyard and filling the above ground beds he built out of lumber and landscape timbers. I mean this man has truly outdone himself and I am just totally thrilled!! My dreams and shenanigans can’t happen without him. However, now he’s sayin’ that he is done, and I still have a few more projects that I need him to do. I mean seriously, we are giving dirt away to neighbors and we still have a huge hill of dirt so let’s do more landscaping stuff! (More on his rebellion in another post).

Now, every year since I’ve lived here (18yrs) my yard has not been my own. I lovingly plant and dedicate time, money and energy to getting things growing and looking good, flowers blooming and smelling good. Nothing burns me quicker than opening the door and getting hit with cat smell. I hate bending down and pulling up weeds amongst stinky cat piles! Not to mention the blooms that get bent, flattened making a mattress for a feral feline!
Each year I hope that by me changing up the landscape, cleaning out the old and trying new human Critter Ridder techniques that these furry pets who belong in their own yard and inside their own homes, will stop marking their territory in my territory! Well this year has been no exception there are signs of them all over the new flower and veggie beds. While the gophers, moles and now rats run free the cats tip toe right past them and chase the innocent birdies (more to come on the rats in another post) leaving tiny carnage on my sidewalks.

Relating; were there cats in the Garden of Eden and what did Adam do!? Here comes the stretch….I don’t think there were any outhouses there, so it was acceptable for man and beast to just go where they pleased….yuck! Maybe if I marked my territory in the flower beds and yards of these cats…this is what it will take for the neighbors to keep their adorable furry family members at home!!

God, we need to be reminded that this world is not our home and conditions won’t be perfect…and that you have a better place prepared for us. But Lord, does my reminder have to involve critters! Praising you daily for your creations and all that you have made! In Jesus name Amen.
John 14:2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?


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