Love and Patience

I have spent countless hours investing in my marriage, parenting my children, caring for an ailing parent, and helping with a grandchild. I’ve given them each “all I got” and then some. I love them, I am their biggest fan.…

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Who’s In Your Camarilla?

Have you ever been stuck in an elevator with people? Every time, upon entering the almost amusement ride like people mover, I sneakily and quickly size up every one around me. Internally, I try to guess by looking at the…

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A Bad Mood, Sugar and Trees!

Without reason my mood is low. I’m in a funk. Driving my car I make the conscious effort to tune the radio in on inspirational music. I begin to get my worship on, slightly forced at first but determined not…

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I Can’t Stop Smiling

A sweet and simple tune flows on the breeze as the tweets sing their joyous songs of spring. I can’t help but smile. The dark of night gives way to the subtle colors of the morning sun, pinks, purples and…

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Exercising Freedom

I can’t seem to make my way out of the house these days. My patio has probably forgotten me. I know it looks like I’ve forgotten it. The unpredictable weather is to blame for my hibernation and has stolen my…

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Favorite February Post/Contest

Simple, easy and fun! just leave the comment “favorite” or more if you’d like, on your favorite February 2014 or 2015 blog post. A winner will be selected from the post that received the most comments. Winner announced on Thurs Feb 18th at…

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